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Thursday, January 17, 2008

Moriah - Avraham Fried

Mi sh'ana l’Avraham avinu b’har hamoriah
Hu ya'aneh eschem v’yishma kol tzakaschem bayom hazeh

Chorus: x2
Lama, lama, ma, nikrah moriah
Al shem hamor hatov sheyeshno sham

He who answered to Avraham avinu on the mountain moriah
He will answer us and he will listen to our cries bayom hazeh


Der vos hot g'enfert tsu Avraham avinu oif dem barg hamoriah
Er vet unz enferen un er vet heren unzer geshrei bayom hazeh

Bayshanim - Avraham Fried

Simonei Yisroel (ha)umo, umo, umo, umo hakedoshah
Simonei Yisroel umo, umo, umo,  hakedoshah

Chorus: x2
Aha ha bayshanim
Aha ha rachamanim
Aha, gomlei chasodim

Bayshanim, rachmonim, gomlei chasodim
Ailu ailu ailu hasimonim
Shel haumah, haumah, haKedosha

Let's change the world Today - Avraham Fried

Some people say the world has gone bad
Evil has stolen the day
Some people say to throw in the towel
I dont feel that way
'Cuz every good deed that you do
And every kind word that you say has a way
Has a way to change the world

There is so much we can do to make this world
A kinder better happier place
There is so much we can do to change the world
Let's change the world today

That day in September changed our lives
The darkest day by far
They broke our heart but woke up our soul
We'll show them who we are
'Cuz we are towers of light
And we have the power to do what is right
Let's illuminate the night


You don't need a reason or season my friend
You don't need fortune or fame
Go out of your way, make someone's day
Now that's the name of the game
'Cuz every good deed that you do
And every kind word that you say has a way
Has a way to change the world


(In the original recording, this verse is included:)
So step up to the plate and celebrate your freedom
The world is not a jungle so dont bungle your chance
And if youre tired of the world as it lies
Remember one good deed is better than a thousand sighs

My Fellow Jew - Avraham Fried
G-d smiled in heaven
But His joy was not complete
The angels were singing
But their song had no wings
The world was freshly painted
Yet the sky was feeling blue
Something, something just wasn’t right

Then with you came a G-dly light
That made the world complete
You gave the world its heart
You gave the world its soul
Now G-d can call this place his home
For now there was you
My brother, my fellow Jew

So with all my heart and soul
Let me honor you
A gentle people with a faith of steel
You teach the world
How to live and how to give and how to believe
If I could look into your heart
I would see the face of G-d

You have weathered all the storms
They’ve all come and gone
You are the unsung heroes of the world
And you were born of ancient days
And you will go on and on
I’ve seen miracles before
But the greatest of them all is you my fellow Jew

Who can count the teardrops
That have fallen from your eyes
And who would dare to measure
The pain that you have known
Yet here you are undaunted with a mission and a dream
You carry on when hope is gone
All that you live for will come true

And so when at times I’m feeling weak
It’s you who makes me strong
And when at times I cannot speak
You become my song
I know I can do the impossible
When I think of you
My brother, my fellow Jew

Nisht Gedayget - Avraham Fried

A sheynem chalom hob ich gezehn
In der Beis Hamikdosh (hashelishi) bin ich gevehn
Kohanim zenen makriv Korbanos
Leviyim zingen Shir Hamaalos
Moshe Rabbeinu lernt mit di Avos
Di Sanhedrin zitzt un hert a Din Torah
Aharon Hakohen tzindt on di Menorah

Un ot zeh ich a herlichen gezicht
Es shaynt zayn ponim mit a G-t’lichen licht
Oif zayn kop a goldene kroin
Ich derken em shoin
Dos iz der Melech Hamoshiach, er aleyn
Der gantzer olam shteyt mit moyra
Er iz Megaleh Sodos Hatorah
Un fun shlof hob ich zich oif gechapt

Nisht gedayget Yidden!
Es vet shoin balt keyn cholom mer nisht zayn!
A minut’keleh gebliben
Moshiach’n Mekabel Ponim zayn!
Shikkur mit freyd, Gezunterheit
Geyen mir alle aheym, Tzurik in cheyder geyn
Mit Moshe’n aleyn, Amen v’Amen

A sheynem cholom hob ich gezehn
In Yerushalayim ongekumen
Gezogt mit freyd, Bruchim Habo’im!
Derlebt tzu zehn dayn lichtige ponim
‘ch-hob gehat azoy fil tzaar gidul bonim
Chotsh du host gevandert toizenter yohren
Bistu, mayn tayer kind, noch shener gevoren.

Un ot zeh ich Malachim geyn
Zey fihren mit a niggun der Bashefer aleyn
Gekummen oif der velt
A chuppa hot men geshtelt
Zayn liebe kalla, Yidden alle, Mekadesh zayn
Tzadikim tantzn mit’n Chosson
Es iz shoyn greyt der Seudas Livyoson
Un fun shlof hob ich zich oifgechapt.
