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Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Batuach Ani - Benny Friedman

Tomachti yesaidosai, bislosh esrei taivos
Uv'sharei dmo’os, ki lo nishlovos

Tomachti yesaidosai, bislosh esrei taivos
Lochein shofachti siach, pnei bochen libos

Batuach ani boaile
Uvizchus shloshes avos...

(Hashem Hashem Keil Rachum veChanun Erech Apayim veRav Chesed ve’Emes Notzer Chesed Loalofim Nosei Avon Vofesha Vechato’oh Venakei)

Monday, December 6, 2010

Candle Of Freedom- Jeff Braverman & Jonathan Rimberg

(By request)

A great miracle happened in a far away ancient land
Brave warriors, the Macabees decided to take a stand
And fought heir fight with passion for their cause was a righteous one
That their people should be respected 'till the last battle was won

Light the candle of freedom, light the candle of hope
illuminating generations, let every boy and girl know
That once there was a people who fought for the right to be free
And this is what Chanukah means to me

When the battle was over and the war was won
The people gathered to give thanks for all that G-d had done
But the Temple was in ruins, only one tiny candle remained
But miraculously that flame burned for eight nights and days


Nes Gadol Haya Sham
There are miracles in our lifetime, can be hard for us to see
May be tough to handle but look at those candles and you just gotta believe


Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Moishe'le Neshama'le - Lipa Schmeltzer

(By request)

Bisyata Dishmaya
I’m writing a letter to you
Sweet little Moishe’le
You were the only one to survive
In India in Mumbai
On that terrifying day
Sweet little Moishe’le
I’m so glad you’re alive
איך אפשר להסביר לך
המצב של כולנו כשזה קרה
כמה אנחנו דאגנו בעבורך
כשיצאת מהגיהנום
הדמעות בענים הפסיקו פתאום
והתחיל שוב כשלא ראינו אביך ואמך

אי אפשר לתאר הכאב שלך משלה נשמה
אבינו רוענו ראה דמע של משלה נשמה
ילד קטן אבל כל כך גדול
ביום המר אבד את הכל
חוץ מאמונה משהלה נשמה

משל'ה ווען די גייסט דעם בריוו קענן ליינען
וועט דיר זיין שווער צו פארשטיין וויפיל מיר האבען געטון מיטוויינען
אויף צוריק
זיך פארשטעלנדיג
דעם לעצטן קוק
פון דיין טאטע מאמע
משל'ה נשמה

משל'ה אויב די מיינסט
אז ווען פיל מאהל די וויינסט
זיסע משל'ה אז קיינער וויינט נישט מיט דיר
וויל איך די זאלסט פארשטיין
אז יעדער פון פלייש און ביין
ליבער משל'ה
דיין ווייטאג שפירט

We have lost so many throughout the years
Yidish blit shed with tears
And from all we can remember
there aren’t many like him
To see tatty and mommy and look at them
איך שנהרגו על קידוש השם
But you little Moishe saw so clearly the yad eloikim

משל'ה קשה לי מאד לכתוב לך מכתב
איך להרגיע עכשיו ילד בלי אם ואב
איין זאך זאלסטו האבען אינזינען
אז טאטי מאמי זהען די טרערן רינען
און זיי דאוונען אז די זאלסט האבען א נחמה

און זיי זאגן משל'ה מיר האבען געשריגען שמע ישראל מיט טרערליך
און מיר בעטן און דעם זכות האלט אן אונזער וועג גאר ערליך
מיט גאנץ כלל ישראל וואס איז געווארען דיין משפחה
האלט דיר פעסט בעמק הבכה
טייער קינד משל'ה נשמה

Monday, July 26, 2010

Amar Rabbi Akiva - Mordechai Ben David
Kulam Ahuvim

Amar Rabbi Akiva: Ashreichem Yisrael, ashreichem
Amar Rabbi Akiva: Ashreichem Yisrael, ashreichem
Lifnei mee atem meta'harin, atem meta'harin
Mee me'taher eschem

Avichem sh'baShamayim, Avichem sh'baShamayim
Avichem sh'baShamayim, sh'baShamayim

V'omer, v'omer, mikvah Yisrael Hashem
Ma mikvah m'taher es ha'tmei'im
Af Hakodosh Boruch Hu
Mi'taher es Yisrael

Monday, April 26, 2010

Lulei Soiroscho- Abie Rotenberg
Journeys Volume 3

(By request)

He sits late at night in the soft candlelight
As it cast its warm glow on the pages
And the words that he sees, are the secret the key
That has kept us alive through the ages

Why does he cherish the wisdom of old
And delight in its study each day
He knows only Torah can nourish his soul
Come listen and hear what he says

Vos Zogt Beis Hillel, Vos Meint Beis Shammai
Rovo Farvos Halts Du Nit Vi Abaye
Torah without you I surely would die
Lulei Soiroscho, Sha'ashuay

Vos Klert Ravina, Vos Tracht Rav Ashi
Pshat Ken Min Treffen In Hellige Rashi
Torah you've given my spirit to me
Ki Vom, Ki Vom, Chiyisoni

As a nation in flight, we endured the worlds spite
And the sight of our precious books burning
We ignored our grief, to the world's disbelief
And never, no never stopped learning

Why does he cherish the wisdom of old
And delight in its study each day
He knows only Torah can nourish his soul
Come listen and hear what he says

Maskif Rav Chisda, Aisivay Rav Poppo
Zay Vu Der Rambam Firt Ois P’sak Halocho
Torah without you I surely would die
Lulei Soiroscho, Sha'ashuay

A Rishion’s A Kasha, An Acharoin’s A Svore
Chochmas Haboiray, Vos Ligt In Gemoro
Torah you've given my spirit to me
Ki Vom, Ki Vom, Chiyisoni

And now we remain, with our faith yet sustained
By our passion and love for this treasure
It's our link with Sinai. and our father on high
So we'll keep on learning forever, forever, forever, forever

Lulei Soiroscho, Sha'ashuay, Lulei Soiroscho, Sha'ashuay
Oz Ovadeti V'onyi, Oz Ovadeti V'onyi
L’olam Lo Eshkach Pikudecho, L’olam Lo Eshkach Pikudecho
Ki Vom, Ki Vom Chiyisoni, Ki Vom, Ki Vom Chiyisoni

Monday, April 12, 2010

The Shadchan - Abie Rotenberg
Journeys Volume 1

(By request)

I was driving up the turnpike, to New York, and my '67 Buick had seen better days
With my hat & jacket tossed upon the backseat, and a Sefer on the dashboard, that would look real fine

'Cause the Shadchan said, "This time it would be different." I'd heard those words so many times before. "But the family's nice", or "believe me, this one's special", I said "All right, but only just once more"

I could hear the awkward words that would soon be said, when we met one another for the first time.
And the feeling would be there that when we walked outside, of hopeful eyes staring from the window.
The man inside the tollbooth said "Oh, it's you again", I felt like turning back right then and there.
And as I crossed the bridge, I wondered what we'd do – a lounge, a walk or maybe just the living room.

'Cause the Shadchan said, "This time it would be different." I'd heard those words so many times before. "But the family's nice", or "believe me, this one's special", I said "All right, but only just once more"

I wondered what the problems would be this time.
Which one would say it was not meant to be.
And the nagging thoughts would start to cross my mind.
Would I ever find the one that's right for me?
And in the morning, I would have to talk to mom and dad, tell them what went wrong, but that don't get me scared.
It's that Shadchan callin' up, and saying one more time, "I've got another one, I'm sure it's Bashert".

I'm still driving up the turnpike to New York, and my '67 Buick still had better days.
But the drive, it's not as lonely as it used to be. 'cause I got my wife and seven kids along with me.
And every now and then my wife tells me go make a call, to some young man who wants to settle down.
And I tell him all about Middos and personality, and the ten best places that there are in town.

And I say to him "This time it will be different", he says to me "I've heard those words before."
"But the family's nice, or believe me, this one's special," he says "all right", oh, he says "all right, but only just once more".