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Thursday, February 17, 2011

Emosai - Eighth Day
Chasing Prophecy

Emosai ko'osi mar, ko'osi mar lich'she'yafutzu

Wherever we go, people want to know
Whose words are we preaching, whose story we teaching.
Whatever the show, people want to know
How to inspire, with holy desire
Where ever we go, people want to know
Whose hopes are we reaching, whose dream are we dreaming.
Whatever the show, people want to know
How to inspire, to take us all higher.

So we tell them, the holy ba’al shem (der heiliger ba'al shem)
So we tell them, there is only One in heaven.
So we tell them, you have a holy heart
So we tell them, he knew it from the start

1 comment:

Isaac Winer said...

Thanks for posting these lyrics. Do you have a citation for where to find the "Emosai" quote in the Gemarra (or Midrash - not sure where it's found). Thanks again!