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Sunday, December 4, 2011

Hakhel - Chaim Fogelman

(Submitted by a gracious reader) 

They packed their bags, took some stuff and got on horse and wagons
Going to the Bais Hamikdash in Yerushalyim
There they saw the king stand upon a wooden stage
As from the Torah he read, and this is what he said

“Listen, folks, what’s written here is all that I will say
Our holy Torah and the Mitzvos we must all obey.
Love Hashem and be good,” the king called out,
“To fear Hashem is what this gathering’s all about.”

Now every year, after Shmitah, again and again
When the king would read, it would be, oh, as if from Hashem
Mothers and fathers, sons and daughters, all came there
In the Hakhel year, everybody came to hear


Now that we’ve got no Mikdash and we’re all alone
In every country throughout the world all the Jews do roam
Let’s not forget what they did then and do the same today
Gather all your friends, and this is what you’ll say
