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Monday, September 14, 2009

No Jew Will Be Left Behind - Avraham Fried

There are times I wonder
And I dream about the day
When everything is grand
Home in our/the land
We have awaited
And believed in
For so long

Close your eyes, imagine
As we gaze with awe and pride
Together we behold
True is the gold
Of Yerushalayim Ir Hakodesh
Shining high and strong

And no Jew will be left behind
No tears will be left to be cried
No power or pain
Will send us back again
We are home
And forever this time

And standing proud as we pray
As ever we live for that day
When Golus will be
But a distant memory
And no Jew will be left behind

Though the days seem empty
We can fill them all with Mitzvos
Knowing that each deed
Is all we need
To bring the loneliness of Golus
To its end

There is none too lowly
Or too lost
To lend a hand
Together as we try
Look to the sky
And you will see a Beis Hamikdosh burning
Waiting to descend


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