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Sunday, February 20, 2011

Beggar Woman - Chasing Prophecy
Eighth Day

Today, she was sitting on the street
Sorrow in her eyes, a tin can at her feet
Holes in her stockings and holes in her shoes
She’s an old beggar woman no stranger to bad news

So I reached in my pocket to give a bill or two
In my heart I was trying to see what I could do
She thanked me for the money, I turned to walk away
But I waited for a moment as she began to say

G-d loves the widow and the orphan and the blind
The old and the needy who haven’t got a dime
G-d loves the sickly in his eyes we’re all the same
And G-d he loves you too in the sunshine and the rain. (You just call upon His name)

I don’t know where she came from, don’t know her at all
But the wrinkles on her face, they kinda tell it all
So reach in your pocket and give a bill or two
And you can thank G-d in Heaven that the beggar isn’t you.

1 comment:

Paul The Blue Monster said...

I think maybe the lyric is "thank G-d in Heaven that the beggar is in you". The song says "in his eyes we’re all the same" and recognizing a common humanity, seeing the same spark in the needy as in you is in line with Hasidic philosophy of Chesed. The Baal Shem Tov saw Elijah in a beggar. Hillel said "stand in another's shoes".

There is only one community. All are one. "Shema Isreal Adonai Elohainu Adonai EHOD"
