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Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Cheery Bim - All You Got
Eighth Day

I’ll stay with you through the joy and the sorrow
I’ll be with you today and tomorrow 
I’ll cry with you when you lose and you borrow
I’ll dance with you when you win and say bravo

Because one’s just one 
but together we’re number one!

I say cheery
You say bum 
We say cheery beery bim bum bum.

I’ll cry with you through the saddest rubato
I’ll dance with you do the rhythm staccato
I’ll be with you through the joy and the sorrow
I’ll stay with you today and tomorrow


All together we’re number one!

1 comment:

Bren + Lucy said...

Loving your pictures and the authentic and genuine way you have put your story across - you're an inspiration and I am following your journey - awesome work!