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Monday, July 26, 2010

Amar Rabbi Akiva - Mordechai Ben David
Kulam Ahuvim

Amar Rabbi Akiva: Ashreichem Yisrael, ashreichem
Amar Rabbi Akiva: Ashreichem Yisrael, ashreichem
Lifnei mee atem meta'harin, atem meta'harin
Mee me'taher eschem

Avichem sh'baShamayim, Avichem sh'baShamayim
Avichem sh'baShamayim, sh'baShamayim

V'omer, v'omer, mikvah Yisrael Hashem
Ma mikvah m'taher es ha'tmei'im
Af Hakodosh Boruch Hu
Mi'taher es Yisrael