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Sunday, February 10, 2008

Aderaba - Avraham Fried

Aderaba, ten belibeinu
Shenireh kol echad mal’as chavereinu
Velo, velo chesronom

Veshenidaber kol echad es chaveiro
Bederech hayashar veharatzui lefonecha
Veal ya’aleh belibeinu, shum sin’ah
Me’echad al chaveiro cholilah

Usechazek osonu be’ahavah, be’ahavah ailecha
Ka’asher goluy veyodua lefanecha

Sheyehei hakol nachas ruach
Nachas ruach ailecha

Omain kein yehi rotzon


Anonymous said...

it would be great if you upload the translation. Thank you very much for lyrics!!

BugsBenny36 said...


On the contrary, place in our hearts the ability to see only the good in our friends and not their shortcomings!
May we speak to each other in a way that is straight and desirable in Your eyes. May there be no hatred between friends, Heaven forbid.
Strengthen our ties and our bond to You with love, as it is revealed and known to You that we strive to give You only satisfaction and pleasure.
Amen, may it be your will

Anonymous said...

Where are the words taken from?

BugsBenny36 said...

The words are from "Tefilah Kodem HaTefillah" (The prayer before praying) by R' Elimelech of Lizhensk

Anonymous said...
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Enézio E. de Almeida Filho said...

This Aderaba version isn't by Yossi Green?

BugsBenny36 said...

It is by Yossi Green. The words, themselves, are from the Tefillah

Yochanan Ivry said...

Can you tell me which sefer i can find this quote?

micha berger said...

The words are not what one generally finds when looking up the tefillah.
