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Sunday, May 31, 2009

Chazak - Avraham Fried

x2 Ish es re'ayhu ya'azoru ule'ochiv yomar chazak

x2 Ay yay yay yay yay nashir beyachad
oy yoy yoy yoy yoy chazak

x2 Chazak chazak venischazek chazak chazak

x2 Ad bias goel oy yoy yoy yoy yoy chazak

1 comment:

Shalom said...

The original posuk is talking about the avaryonim encouraging each other to worship avoda zarah, but what difference, it's a catchy niggun...

(check out rashi on Yeshaya 41:6, or the radak, who interprets it as the building of the Migdal Bavel)