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Sunday, December 6, 2009

Anovim - Yossi Green

Besha’ah sheMelech haMoshiach ba
Omed al gag, gag Beis Hamikdash
Mashmia leYisroel veomer:

Anavim anavim higia z’man
Higia z’man Geulaschem
Ve’im ein atem ma’aminim
Ve’im ein atem ma’aminim
Reu be’ori shezoraiach.


BugsBenny36 said...

At the moment when king Moshiach comes, he will stand on the roof of the Holy Temple and call out: My humble ones, the time of your redemption has come, and if you don´t believe me; look at the light that I shine upon you!

Anonymous said...

Where do these incredible lyrics come from?
Thanks :)

Anonymous said...

Yalkut Shimoni

Anonymous said...

Thank you, todá raba