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Thursday, February 17, 2011

Chasing Prophecy - Eighth Day
Chasing Prophecy

Singing singing
Dreaming dreaming
What’s that you said about under achieving

Singing singing
Dreaming dreaming
Sometimes it’s you that needs some believing.

Walk it down to the milk and honey, don’t slow down till you start making money.
Walk it down past the nitty gritty, don’t slow down till you rebuild your city.

Chasing your prophecy, chase chase.

Al tomar le'che'she'efne, shemo lo tipone 

Grab it down the white clouds of glory, don’t slow down till the end of the story.
Grab it down and don’t have no pity, don’t slow down till you see your holy city.


Unknown said...

The life of a man consists not in seeing visions and in dreaming dreams, but in active charity and in willing service. See the link below for more info.


Jaxon Oakley said...

I like your thoughts due to your skills.

Unknown said...

What do the Jewish lyrics part of the song chorus mean?

Unknown said...

Yes, what do the Jewish lyrics read? I love this song. Would like to know what I'm singing.😌