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Monday, December 5, 2011

Ooh Le Le - Chaim Fogelman

(Submitted by a gracious reader)

Please join along
Sing my song
Moshiach is coming and it wont be long
So clap your hands
And tap your feet
Moshiach is coming, we’ll be dancing in the street

Ooh le le, ooh le lei,
Moshiach is coming and he’s coming to stay
Ooh le le, ooh le lei,
Moshiach is coming and he’s coming to stay

It’s in the air
It’s everywhere
Moshiach is coming
Let’s break out a cheer


So clap your hands
And tap your feet
When you hear the news your heart will beat

It’s everywhere
It’s on billboard signs
I read about Moshiach in the New York Times


1 comment:

Kira Wolf said...

Nice blog thanks for postinng