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Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Manhattan 2.0 - All You Got
Eighth Day

Vu bist du gevehn, az der gelt iz gevehn?
Leben iz gevehn tziker zees
Haiynt bist du duh, kein gelt iz nisht duh
Lomer aleh nemehn ah tz’gis

Toda R’ Hirsh.


BugsBenny36 said...

This is just the Yiddish part. I'll upload the complete song another time, please G-d.

Anonymous said...

Can you add a translation?

uzly said...

lyrics of the song is not complete: (

Anonymous said...

plz load complete lyrics!!

Odela said...

You spelled Manhattan wrong.
Otherwise, I love your blog! I use it a lot, especially for 8th Day songs which are kinda hard to get the words xD

BugsBenny36 said...

Odela, thank you. No one noticed in a year :)

Mama613 said...

I know this is old, but Can someone PLEASE translate the Yiddish!!!

vrm said...

"where were you when the money was here,
life was sugar sweet,
today you are here there is no money
let's all take a tzgis (i'm not sure what that means),
thanks reb hirsh"

NoraBissel said...

I think he means "nemen a tz'gis" - take a drink.
Gissen means to pour.

Anonymous said...

Usually their songs have a great message. Does anyone get this one?

Anonymous said...

Usually their songs have a great message. Does anyone get this one?

Victoria said...

I am a regular reader of your post.I appreciate with you.Thanks for sharing the blog and always keep it. nice guiter

Anonymous said...

The way I understand the message is; one was living a life of indulgence and therefore it was void of Godliness.
He eventually lost the "wealth" and found real wealth and he is even happier now then before.