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Sunday, July 31, 2016

I Believe In You - Rogers Park
The Maggid

Go forth my son,
Be a light onto the nations,
And as this basket will carry you down the Nile,
I’ll be with you my child.

I believe in you (6), my son.

Now they may put you on a throne,
Just remember where you’re coming from, my son.
Take your courage take it far,
Though you cannot speak I still admire, your strength.
One day you’ll lead us out of exile,
One day you’ll be a messenger of the One above,
To change this world for a better one.


As these waters pass me by,
I don’t know where I don’t know why,
He’s chosen you to be the one to flip the sun. 
As these waters pass me by
I don’t know where I don’t know why
He’s sent you down in this crate
To go by Pharaohs gates.


My son from the river she drew,
My son from the river we chose you.


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